Club Format

Below is just a list of guidelines. This format is for a two hour meeting, but meetings can end up longer. This means meetings do not have to go by the book, but they need to stay on track. Meetings should be fun, but the discussion should be about the current book or something related to the book(s)/author(s)/etc.

Currently, we use AIM for meetings. You DO NOT have to download the messenger. You simply sign up and use the web browser messenger.

    • The first 30-45 minutes is to allow all members to arrive. This time can be used to socialize, catching new members up on anything about the club that hasn't already been discussed beforehand. Members need to make sure they have all notes they made for discussion.

      • The next 15-20 minutes is for administrative matters. This consist of announcing the opening of the meeting, announcing news that has arisen since the last meeting, and introducing new members. Introductions consist of also allowing new members to say something about him/herself. An ice breaker game would be a fun way to get acquainted.

        • The last 60-90 minutes is for book discussion! The meeting leader for the month will have questions, games, and/or other activities to get discussion started. Notes taken and any passages you found interesting or important during your reading can be talked about. Differing notes, passages, and opinions anyone else has should be discussed. Afterwards, the new book will be voted on and the next day and time will be scheduled. Close meeting.